Welcome to OPCComu project web site!

What is OPCComu? Where did idea of OPCComu come from? First you must know OPC, CORBA, SOAP. OPCComu is just put thos stuff together. If it interests you, check our project in sf.net.


Add lo2py at opccomu/OPC/OPC/lo2py

lo2py is module that enables python to develop OPC(www.opcfoundation.org) server with LightOPC.


add synctime at opccomu/utilit

My friend Helixin ask my write a time snychroztion program. Inspired by ntpd, I write synctime, it use ACE(http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/ACE.html) as server side framework, communicating with ntp server via ntp(http://www.ntp.org/) as ntpd.

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